聯合國GHS制度,是指《全球化學品統一分類和標簽制度》(Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals,其封面為紫色因此又稱“紫皮書”),是聯合國GHS專家委員會、聯合國際勞工組織(ILO)和經合組織(OECD),基于保護人類健康和環境、減少對化學品的重復測試和評估、完善現有化學品分類和標簽體系、促進化學品國際貿易的目的所起草的一項重要制度,并陸續被世界各國采納,是目前全球進出口危險化學品貿易中所需關注的重要法規之一。
代碼 | 防護說明 |
一般防護說明 | |
P101 | If medical advice is needed, have product con or label at hand. 如需求醫,請隨身攜帶產品容器或標簽。 |
P102 | Keep out of reach of children. 切勿讓兒童接觸。 |
P103 | Read carefully and follow all instructions.(omit where P202 is used.) 使用前務請看明標簽。(在P202存在時,省略P103) |
預防措施說明 | |
P201 | Obtain special instructions before use.(omit for consumer products where P202 is used.) 使用前取得專用說明。(對于消費品,當P202存在時,省略P201。) |
P202 | Do not handle until all safety precautions have 在閱讀并明了所有安全措施前切勿搬動。 |
P210 | Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking. 遠離熱源、熱表面、火花、明火和其他點火 |
P211 | Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source. 切勿噴灑在明火或其他點火源上。 |
P212 | Avoid heating under confinement or reduction of the desensitized agent 避免封閉條件下受熱或退敏劑減少 |
P220 | Keep away from clothing and other combustible materials. 遠離服裝和其他可燃材料。 |
P222 | Do not allow contact with air. 不得與空氣接觸。 |
P223 | Do not allow contact with water. 不得與水接觸。 |
P230 | Keep wetted with ... 用…保持濕潤。 |
P231 | Handle and store contents under inert gas/... 在惰性氣體/…中操作和存放 |
P232 | Protect from moisture. 防潮。 |
P233 | Keep container tightly closed. 保持容器密閉。 |
P234 | Keep only in original packaging. 只能在原容器中存放。 |
P235 | Keep cool. 保持低溫。 |
P240 | Ground and bond container and receiving equipment. 貨箱和裝載設備接地并等勢聯接。 |
P241 | Use explosion-proof[electrical/ventilating/lighting/...] equipment. 使用防爆的[電氣/通風/照明/……]設備。 |
P242 | Use non-sparking tools. 使用不產生火花的工具。 |
P243 | Take action to prevent static discharges. 采取防止靜電放電的措施。 |
P244 | Keep valves and fittings free from oil and grease. 閥門及緊固裝置不得帶有油脂或油劑。 |
P250 | Do not subject to grinding/shock/friction/…. 不得研磨/沖擊/摩擦…… |
P251 | Do not pierce or burn, even after use. 切勿穿刺或焚燒,即使不再使用。 |
P260 | Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. 不要吸入粉塵/煙/氣體/氣霧/蒸氣/噴霧。 |
P261 | Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. 避免吸入粉塵/煙/氣體/氣霧/蒸氣/噴霧。 |
P262 | Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. 嚴防進入眼中、接觸皮膚或衣服。 |
P263 | Avoid contact during pregnancy and while nursing. 懷孕和哺乳期間避免接觸。 |
P264 | Wash ... thoroughly after handling. 作業后徹底清洗…… |
P270 | Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. 使用本產品時不要進食、飲水或吸煙。 |
P271 | Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. 只能在室外或通風良好處使用。 |
P272 | Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace. 受沾染的工作服不得帶出工作場地。 |
P273 | Avoid release to the environment. 避免釋放到環境中。 |
P280 | Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection/hearing protection/... 戴防護手套/穿防護服/戴防護眼罩/戴防護面具。 |
P282 | Wear cold insulating gloves and either face shield or eye protection. 戴防寒手套和防護面具或防護眼罩。 |
P283 | Wear fire resistant or flame retardant clothing. 穿防火或阻燃服裝。 |
P284 | [In case of inadequate ventilation] wear respiratory protection. [在通風不足的情況下]戴呼吸防護裝置 |
P231 + P232 | Handle and store contents under inert gas/.... Protect from moisture. 在惰性氣體中搬運和貯存內裝物/…… 防潮 |
應急措施說明 | |
P301 | IF SWALLOWED: 如誤吞咽: |
P302 | IF ON SKIN: 如皮膚沾染: |
P303 | IF ON SKIN (or hair): 如皮膚(或頭發)沾染: |
P304 | IF INHALED: 如誤吸入: |
P305 | IF IN EYES: 如進入眼睛: |
P306 | IF ON CLOTHING: 如沾染衣服: |
P308 | IF exposed or concerned: 如接觸到或有疑慮: |
P310 | Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor/… 立即呼叫中毒急救中心/醫生/…… |
P311 | Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/… 呼叫中毒急救中心/醫生/…… |
P312 | Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/…if you feel unwell. 如感覺不適,呼叫中毒急救中心/醫生/…… |
P313 | Get medical advice/attention. 求醫/就診。 |
P314 | Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. 如感覺不適,須求醫/就診。 |
P315 | Get immediate medical advice/attention. 立即求醫/就診。 |
P320 | Specific treatment is urgent (see ... on this label). 必須立即接受具體治療(見本標簽上的……)。 |
P321 | Specific treatment (see ... on this label). 具體治療(見本標簽上的……)。 |
P330 | Rinse mouth. 漱口。 |
P331 | Do NOT induce vomiting. 不得誘導嘔吐。 |
P332 | If skin irritation occurs:(may be omitted if P333 is given on the label.) 如發生皮膚刺激:(如果P333存在標簽上時P332可以被省略。) |
P333 | If skin irritation or rash occurs: 如發生皮膚刺激或皮疹: |
P334 | Immerse in cool water [or wrap in wet bandages]. 浸入冷水中[或用濕繃帶包扎] |
P335 | Brush off loose particles from skin. 撣掉皮膚上的細小顆粒。 |
P336 | Thaw frosted parts with lukewarm water. Do not rub affected area. 用微溫水化解凍傷部位。不要搓擦患處。 |
P337 | If eye irritation persists: 如長時間眼刺激: |
P338 | Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. 如戴隱形眼鏡并可方便地取出,取出隱形眼鏡。繼續沖洗。 |
P340 | Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. 將人轉移到空氣新鮮處,保持呼吸舒適體位。 |
P342 | If experiencing respiratory symptoms: 如有呼吸系統病癥: |
P351 | Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. 用水小心沖洗幾分鐘。 |
P352 | Wash with plenty of water/... 用水充分清洗/…… |
P353 | Rinse skin with water [or shower]. 用水清洗皮膚[或淋浴] |
P360 | Rinse immediately contaminated clothing and skin with plenty of water before removing clothes. 立即用水充分沖洗沾染的衣服和皮膚,然后脫掉衣服。 |
P361 | Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. 立即脫掉所有沾染的衣服。 |
P362 | Take off contaminated clothing. 脫掉沾染的衣服。 |
P363 | Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. 沾染的衣服清洗后方可重新使用。 |
P364 | And wash it before reuse. 清洗后方可重新使用。 |
P370 | In case of fire: 火災時: |
P371 | In case of major fire and large quantities: 在發生大火和大量泄漏的情況下: |
P372 | Explosion risk. 爆炸危險 |
P373 | DO NOT fight fire when fire reaches explosives. 火燒到爆炸物時切勿救火。 |
P375 | Fight fire remotely due to the risk of explosion. 因有爆炸危險,須遠距離救火。 |
P376 | Stop leak if safe to do so. 如能保證安全,可設法堵塞泄漏。 |
P377 | Leaking gas fire: Do not extinguish, unless leak can be stopped safely. 漏氣著火:切勿滅火,除非能夠安全地堵塞泄漏。 |
P378 | Use ... to extinguish. 使用……滅火。 |
P380 | Evacuate area. 撤離現場。 |
P381 | In case of leakage, eliminate all ignition sources. 萬一泄漏,除去一切點火源 |
P390 | Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. 吸收溢出物,防止材料損壞。 |
P391 | Collect spillage. 收集溢出物。 |
P301 + P310 | IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor/… 如誤吞咽:立即呼叫中毒急救中心/醫生/…… |
P301 + P312 | IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/…if you feel unwell. 如誤吞咽:如感覺不適,呼叫中毒急救中心/醫生/…… |
P302 + P334 | IF ON SKIN: Immerse in cool water or wrap in wet bandages. 如皮膚沾染:浸入冷水中[或用濕繃帶包扎] |
P302 + P352 | IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water/... 如皮膚沾染:用水充分清洗。 |
P304 + P312 | IF INHALED: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/…if you feel unwell. 如誤吸入:如感覺不適,呼叫中毒急救中心/醫生…… |
P304 + P340 | IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. 如誤吸入:將人轉移到空氣新鮮處,保持呼吸舒適體位。 |
P306 + P360 | IF ON CLOTHING: Rinse immediately contaminated clothing and skin with plenty of water before removing clothes. 如沾染衣服:立即用水充分沖洗沾染的衣服和皮膚,然后脫掉衣服。 |
P308 + P311 | IF exposed or concerned: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/... 如接觸到:呼叫中毒急救中心/醫生…… |
P308 + P313 | IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. 如接觸到或有疑慮:求醫/就診。 |
P332 + P313 | If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. 如發生皮膚刺激:求醫/就診。 |
P333 + P313 | If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. 如發生皮膚刺激或皮疹:求醫/就診。 |
P336 + P315 | Thaw frosted parts with lukewarm water. Do not rub affected area. Get immediate medical advice/attention 用微溫水化解凍傷部位。避免揉搓患處。立即求醫/治療 |
P337 + P313 | If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. 如眼刺激持續不退:求醫/就診。 |
P342 + P311 | If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/... 如出現呼吸系統病癥:呼叫中毒急救中心/醫生/…… |
P361 + P364 | Take off immediately all contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. 立即脫掉所有沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用 |
P362 + P364 | Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. 脫掉沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用 |
P370 + P376 | In case of fire: Stop leak if safe to do so. 火災時:如能保證安全,設法堵塞泄漏。 |
P370 + P378 | In case of fire: Use ... to extinguish. 火災時:使用……滅火。 |
P301 + P330 + P331 | IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. 如誤吞咽:漱口。不得誘導嘔吐 |
P302 + P335 + P334 | IF ON SKIN: Brush off loose particles from skin. Immerse in cool water [or wrap in wet bandages]. 如皮膚沾染:撣掉皮膚上的細小顆粒。浸入冷水中[或用濕繃帶包扎] |
P303 + P361 + P353 | IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water [or shower]. 如皮膚(或頭發)沾染:立即脫掉所有沾染的衣服。用水清洗皮膚[或淋浴] |
P305 + P351 + P338 | IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. 如進入眼睛:用水小心沖洗幾分鐘。如戴隱形眼鏡并可方便地取出,取出隱形眼鏡。繼續沖洗。 |
P370 + P380 + P375 | In case of fire: Evacuate area. Fight fire remotely due to the risk of explosion. 火災時:撤離現場。因有爆炸危險,須遠距離滅火。 |
P371 + P380 + P375 | In case of major fire and large quantities: Evacuate area. Fight fire remotely due to the risk of explosion. 如發生大火和大量泄漏:撤離現場。因有爆炸危險,須遠距離滅火。 |
P370 + P372 + P380 + P373 | In case of fire: Explosion risk. Evacuate area. DO NOT fight fire when fire reaches explosives. 火災時:有爆炸危險。撤離現場。如火勢蔓延到爆炸物,不要試圖救火 |
P370 + P380 + P375 [+ P378] | In case of fire: Evacuate area. Fight fire remotely due to the risk of explosion. [Use…to extinguish]. 火災時:撤離現場。因有爆炸危險,須遠距離滅火。[使用…滅火] |
存放防護說明 | |
P401 | Store in accordance with… 存放須遵照…… |
P402 | Store in a dry place. 存放于干燥處。 |
P403 | Store in a well-ventilated place. 存放于通風良好處。 |
P404 | Store in a closed container. 存放于密閉的容器中。 |
P405 | Store locked up. 存放處須加鎖。 |
P406 | Store in a corrosion resistant/...container with a resistant inner liner. 存放于耐腐蝕/……帶耐腐蝕襯里的容器中。 |
P407 | Maintain air gap between stacks or pallets. 堆垛或托盤之間應留有空隙。 |
P410 | Protect from sunlight. 防日曬。 |
P411 | Store at temperatures not exceeding …°C/…°F. 貯存溫度不超過……℃/……℉。 |
P412 | Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50 °C/122 °F. 不可暴露在超過50℃/122℉的溫度下。 |
P413 | Store bulk masses greater than … kg/…lbs at temperatures not exceeding …°C/…°F. 存放散貨質量大于……千克/……磅,溫度不得超過……℃/……℉。 |
P420 | Store separately. 單獨存放。 |
P402 + P404 | Store in a dry place. Store in a closed container. 存放于干燥處。存放于密閉的容器中。 |
P403 + P233 | Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. 存放于通風良好處。保持容器密閉。 |
P403 + P235 | Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool. 存放于通風良好處。保持低溫。 |
P410 + P403 | Protect from sunlight. Store in a well-ventilated place. 防日曬。存放于通風良好處。 |
P410 + P412 | Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50 °C/122 °F. 防日曬。不可暴露在超過50℃/122℉的溫度下。 |
處置防護說明 | |
P501 | Dispose of contents/container to ... 處置內裝物/容器…… |
P502 | Refer to manufacturer or supplier for information on recovery or recycling. 有關回收和循環使用情況,請咨詢制造商或供應商 |
P503 | Refer to manufacturer/supplier… for information on disposal/recovery/recycling. 處置/恢復/循環的信息參照制造商/供應商 |