

2023-07-03 0

目前歐盟系統相比最明顯的變化是象形圖(原名:危險符號) 雖然大多數的GHS象形符號與舊系統中的相同,但是象形符號GHS04, GHS07 和 GHS08 是全新的。

GHS制度是建立在16個物理,10個健康和3個環境危險種類以及包括以下的通訊元素之上的 : 9個象形符號。
   Compared to the current EU system the most noticeable change are the pictograms (formerly: hazard symbols). While the most of the GHS pictograms have an equivalent in the old system, the pictograms GHS 04, GHS 07 and GHS 08 are completely new.
   The GHS System is built on 16 physical, 10 health and 3 environmental hazard classes and comprises the following communication elements : 9 Pictograms.


 GHS01Exploding Bomb
  Unstable explosives
 Explosives of Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
 炸藥類別 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
 Self reactive substances and mixtures, Types A,B
 自反應物質和混合物,類別 A、B
 Organic peroxides, Types A,B
 有機過氧化物,類別 A、B
 GHS02 Flame

 Flammable gases, category 1
 易燃氣體類別 1
 Flammable aerosols, categories 1,2
 Flammable liquids, categories 1,2,3
 易燃液體,類別 1,2,3
 Flammable solids, categories 1,2
 易燃固體,類別 1,2
 Self-reactive substances and mixtures, Types B,C,D,E,F
 自反應物質和混合物, 類型 B,C,D,E,F
 Pyrophoric liquids, category 1
 自燃液體類別 1
 Pyrophoric solids, category 1
 自燃固體類別 1
 Self-heating substances and mixtures, categories 1,2
 自我放熱物質和混合物,類別 1,2
 Substances and mixtures, which in contact with water,
 emit flammable gases, categories 1,2,3
 與水接觸的物質和混合物, 放出易燃氣體類別 1,2,3
 Organic peroxides, Types B,C,D,E,F
 有機過氧化物,類別 B,C,D,E,F
 GHS03Flame Over Circle

 Oxidizing gases, category 1
 Oxidizing liquids, categories 1,2,3
 氧化性液體,類別 1,2,3
 GHS04 Gas Cylinder

 Gases under pressure:
 - Compressed gases
 - 壓縮氣體
 - Liquefied gases
 - 液化氣
 - Refrigerated liquefied gases 
 - 冷凍液化氣體
 - Dissolved gases
 - 溶解氣體
 GHS05 Corrosion

 Corrosive to metals, category 1
 腐蝕金屬,類別 1
 Skin corrosion, categories 1A,1B,1C
 腐蝕皮膚,類別 1A,1B,1C
 Serious eye damage, category 1
 嚴重眼損傷,類別 1
 GHS06 Skull and Crossbones

 Acute toxicity (oral, dermal, inhalation),
 categories 1,2,3
 急性毒性(口服,皮膚接觸,吸入), 類別 1,2,3
 GHS07Exclamation Mark

 Acute toxicity (oral, dermal, inhalation),
 category 4
 急性毒性(口服,皮膚接觸,吸入), 類別 4
 Skin irritation, category 2
 皮膚刺激,類別 2
 Eye irritation, category 2
 眼刺激,類別 2
 Skin sensitisation, category 1
 皮膚過敏,類別 1
 Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Single exposure,
 category 3
 特定目標器官毒性 - 一次接觸, 類別 3
 GHS08 Health Hazard

 Respiratory sensitization, category 1
 呼吸道過敏,類別 1
 Germ cell mutagenicity, categories 1A,1B,2
 生殖細胞突變,類別 1A,1B,2
 Carcinogenicity, categories 1A,1B,2
 致癌性,類別 1A,1B,2
 Reproductive toxicity, categories 1A,1B,2
 生殖毒性,類別 1A,1B,2
 Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Single exposure,
 categories 1,2
 特定目標器官毒性 – 一次接觸, 類別 1,2
 Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Repeated exposure,
 categories 1,2
 特定目標器官毒性 - 反復接觸, 第1,2類
 Aspiration Hazard, category 1
 吸入危險,類別 1
 GHS09 Environment

 Hazardous to the aquatic environment
 - Acute hazard, category1
 - 急性危害,類別 1
 - Chronic hazard, categories 1,2
 - 慢性危害,類別 1,2

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